The new Fitness Meets Fashion collection introduced women’s fitness clothing that combines sports fashion with the latest trends. We even dare to say that in our design center we created models which have outdone the current fashion and we are setting new trends not only in fitness wear! Check out what news from the category of fitness leggings and ladies pants are must-have pieces of this year according to our women’s athletes! ...
09.08.2019 3 minutes
Leggings are the most comfortable yet absolutely sexy piece of a woman's gymwear essentials. Therefore we are not surprised that you found your favourites in our collections :) Looking through the history, the iconic gym leggings Scrunch butt have always been the bestsellers!! We are very glad our...
15.07.2019 2 minutes
On Saturday June 15th, there was this magnificent show in Refinery Gallery where we introduced our great new collection. The fashion show came with the idea FITNESS MEETS FASHION, which perfectly describes what our designer Stanka wanted to express by the new collection. ...
19.06.2019 1 minute
Jedes Jahr landet 12 Millionen Tonnen Kunststoffin unseren Ozeanen und Meeren. Bis zu 90% von diesem Plastikmüllsenkt zum Meeresboden. Insgesamt befinden sich 4,6 Billionen TonnenKunststoff in unserer Umwelt. SEAQUAL™, eine spanische Organisation, die...
15.06.2019 1 minute
We consider you part of our family, and this is why we have set off to meet you. This time we visited FIBO, one of the biggest global fitness and bodybuilding exhibitions in Cologne. Our primary goal was to collect as much feedback as possible from you, our customers. We are willing to recommend you the best, and that would be impossible without you. It is like a holiday to us to exchange ideas and experience. Thanks to enormous interest in our products, which we are grateful for, we had...
10.04.2019 2 minutes
Would you buy an imitation of a prestigious brand, whether it would be glasses, watches or sneakers? I think most of you would answer my question without hesitation: „No, I wouldn‘t.“ Nevertheless, most of us have some fakes at home and we don‘t consider it as that bad. I personally never thought about fakes and I took them as a part of holiday destinations. Well, only until that problem started to concern me directly, until I started to realize how huge this problem...
26.03.2019 3 minutes
Christmas holidays are coming and with them the time full of comfort, love and pleasant atmosphere. In times so hectic as it is now its very hard to stop and enjoy those moments, which are so important. Our company is not an exception. We work hard throughout the whole year and we do our best, so that everything works just as it should. That’s why we decided to make December better by organizing thematical Christmas Fridays during whole month....
21.12.2018 1 minute
Last week we opened our third franchise store in Ostrava. There are so many people in Czech republic that we would like to motivate to fulfill their dreams. The whole process of opening a new store wasn’t easy but we had a clear goal and we went after it. We are more than proud that we achieved this together! It showed our team spirit, hardwork and determination. We are looking forward to see you in Ostrava. ...
29.11.2018 1 minute
„We didn’t want to create just a new collection. We wanted to start a new era in fitness clothing!“The main idea of the new AW Line, which drops in the fall of 2018, is to bring new trends into men's fitness fashion, to create something bold and at the same time possible to wear, while maintaining the functionality and qualities that are most important for fitness wear.For more than a year, we've been working on creating a new collection for all men who...
08.11.2018 5 minutes
Opening a new store in Bratislava means a lot to us in NEBBIA. Our products are currently sold in more than 40 countries worldwide and today we are one of the world's leading fitness brands. This did not happen overnight and our journey to the top was not easy, it was a journey full of falls and mistakes. But thanks to our tenacity and the goal, which we had still on our mind, we made it! That's why I am so proud to open our store in our capital city...
07.02.2018 1 minute
In every birthday blog I write basically same things :) NEBBIA wouldn‘t exist without you, our customers, and without our team. I was wondering if I should write about the same theme this year too. I don‘t want it to look like a cliché. Finally I decided to stick with it. With the growth of a business there is always an increase in the number of people working for the company. We are no exception and today we have jobs in the company that we didn‘t even know they exist. I‘ve...
22.08.2017 4 minutes
On many of our promotional materials we say that we love fitness. We even have it printed on our special wallpapers in stores and in our office J Many companies use different advertising slogans which are designed for them by various marketing and creative agencies, and it is often the case that their slogan becomes a purposeful cliché over time. Nebbia has a love for fitness in her DNA! If my and Stanka’s life wasn’t all about fitness before 1997, Nebbia wouldn’t exist...
13.06.2017 1 minute
Name: Egberton Rulove „Roelly“ Etienne-Winklaar Job: IFBB professional bodybuilder Height: 169 cm Date of birth: 22.6.1977 Place of birth: Curacao, Caribic Weight on-season: cca 122 kg Wieght off-season: 130...
31.05.2017 4 minutes
Najskôr k otázke, či bolo naším zámerom vzbudiť rasistické diskusie a vďaka nim sa marketingovo zviditeľniť... NEBOLO! Je len na vás, či tomu budete veriť alebo nie. Nebbia (napriek tomu, že väčšina z vás nás predtým nepoznala) je jednotkou v segmente fitness oblečenia v Európe, pričom máme celosvetovú pôsobnosť. Preto sa nikto z nášho marketingového oddelenia nezamýšľa nad tým, odkiaľ športovec je, alebo nebodaj,...
13.02.2017 11 minutes
According to me, people cannot be divided between good and bad, but rather between good and stupid. The next article is devoted to the second read carefully!The man on a photo is our good friend Dennis. He is European, just like you and I. He graduated from the university, he has a body physique you won’t ever have and also a beautiful blond wife. Dennis‘ fantastic shape and his sport results were the reason why we chose...
07.02.2017 2 minutes
Nebbia is fitness brand and our business is very similar to sport. In sport you get nothing for free. You have to test everything on yourself to find out which exercises are good for you, which food is the most suitable. At the beginning your idols are at your local gym. Once you reach their level or you become better, you aim higher… to be the best in your country. If you are lucky enough and you succeed, there comes another goal… to reach the...
27.10.2016 2 minutes